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Tournament Rules 

These rules are for general competitive play.  In this series.  Individual tournaments and events will have specific paramater

1. Disconnection Rules:

 -In a 1v1 match, a disconnection results in a disqualification. 

- In team play, a disconnected player cannot rejoin the current match. The opposing team can either continue with an extra player or remove one of their players for the duration of that match. 

-Once a player is removed, they cannot rejoin that particular match.

2.  Sportsmanship Rules: 

-Cheating will result in disqualification and a potential ban. 

-Falsely reporting cheating could also result in disqualification and a potential ban if found to be in bad faith. 

-While being a competitive player, you are an ambassador for the game. Behaviours in Game and on Discord deemed hazardous to the community may result in sanctions for both players and teams. 

3. The "No Drama" Rule: 

- If an issue or widespread conflict arrises within a tournament, a gag order may be implemented. 

-Issues within a tournament should be discussed only in the tournament channel allotted and only by those directly involved until resolved.

- Public discussion of an issue under a gag order is prohibited and could lead to disqualification and a ban.  

4. Discord Server and Player Names: 

For events that are specifically run from a discord server, all players must be in the server, and their server names should reflect their in-game names (IGN). 

5. Lateness: 

Any form of lateness is not tolerated. No substitutes are allowed once a match begins. If in game portal problems or game issues arrise, these will be addressed on a  case by case basis.

6. Team Restrictions: 

A player cannot play on more than one team in the same tournament. 

7. Team Registration:

 Players cannot be added to teams without their consent or confirmation of availability. Registering teams without consulting or knowing the players may lead to a ban of the team's leadership.

Players will  generally be expected to maintain a non-toxic and sportsmanlike environment.